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Create Christmas fun with Reindeer cookies made from Milano Dark Chocolate cookies, chocolate piped antlers, chips for eyes, cinnamon red hots for mouth and tiny green bows from molded candy melts.
12– Milano Dark Chocolate Cookies-Pepperidge Farm
1/4 cup Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Melting Wafers
12– Cinnamon Red Candies ( or M & M’s)
24– Chocolate Chips
1/4 cup vanilla frosting- home made or canned
2-Disposable piping bags or zip lock bag for piping chocolate and frosting
1/2 cup green candy melts for bow’s.
Small silicone bow mold link is above in post.
These cookies are very fragile, the antlers are tricky to make. So make more than you need. You can always remelt the candy and start over if necessary. Piping antlers thick but decorative is a great way to keep them from breaking.
Find it online: https://lizbushong.com/milano-reindeer-cookies/