Need a Spring Tablescape Idea with Gerber Daisies? Try bright red and orange Gerber Daisies with yellow viola’s. in a large scalloped white bowl. Deck out your table place-settings with cobalt blue plates and vibrant orange napkins with red flower napkin rings. So pretty, so sassy, so festive for Spring or Summer entertaining. Setting a pretty table will make everyone happy and your food more appetizing. So, lets get started with this pretty table setting.
Spring Tablescape Idea with Gerber Daisies
Setting a pretty table shouldn’t be hard to do. Any meal can be transformed into a celebration when dressed up with fanciful folded napkins, a living centerpiece with live potted plants posing in a pretty bowl, a complimentary place mat to ground the dinner plates and simple drinking glasses.
You don’t have to have the finest china or a lot of pieces to make a bright and cheery table-scape. Napkin folds are one of the easiest and least expensive delightful touch’s to make your table stunning.
Gerber Daisy Place-Setting
While this napkin ring is not a Gerber Daisy, it certainly looks real and is the same color as the Gerber Daisies in the table centerpiece. A faux clip- on flower was the perfect napkin ring for this place setting. The orange napkin is pleated and folded in the middle before adding the napkin ring.
Spring Tablescape Gerber Daisy Centerpiece

Let’s Talk About the Centerpiece
This is one of the easiest arrangements to make for a centerpiece. First determine your color scheme and find the right table centerpiece container. Since I use white dinner plates all the time, having a white centerpiece container was a good choice. Grounding the centerpiece with a pretty place mat adds to the color scheme and creates a put-together-look.I went to the local garden center and picked up a potted plant full of bright red and orange Gerber Daisies.
There were several plants in the pot with a lot of bright green healthy leaves. Then I decided to brighten the mix with yellow violas. The violas added the right punch with the bright red daisy’s. Both plants are annuals, so after the lunch was over and before the flowers start to wilt or look peaked from being inside, they can be planted in my garden or porch pots for continual summer blooming. For a little whimsy add a floral pick tiny water faucet with tiny crystal rain drop. So fun and cute.
Gerber Daisy Potted Flowers
With purchasing flowers for a centerpiece, you don’t have to remove them from the containers, actually is is better for them to stay in the containers they come in if you can, because they already have drainage holes and it leaves the roots intact for future planting. Place the largest blooms in the center of the decorative container, then fill in around the edges with the small blooming plants.
Tilting the plants so they drape down the sides of the decorative piece adds a bit more lived-in-look to your arrangement. Not shown in this photo are willow branches for additional height. You can see through the branches making the centerpiece elegant, fuller, balanced while not obstructing guest’s view. The branches add drama and elegance to your table.
Add Moss to Centerpiece
After placing the flowers in the container, I dug up a bit of moss from the yard and added it to the top of the dirt to fill in any areas that needed to be filled in. You can use reindeer moss to to the same thing, but living bright green moss was available and it was free to dig up. This arrangement will last a few days in the house, but at night I place the arrangement in my cool garage, and sometimes place the arrangement outside if it isn’t raining. After a few days I will plant outside. The plants were watered well before placing in decorative container. Be careful not to over water the root system of the plant, if the plants roots are too wet, the soil will separate and the plant will not do well.
Different Looks for Tablescape
Same Centerpiece only for Easter. Change the salad plates and napkin fold to Easter bunny or other spring plates and napkins to change the look. What remains the same is the white table-cloth, the centerpiece, place-mat, and white dinner plate. For bunny napkin fold tutorial go here.
The bunny napkin was placed in a cute little egg cup. The plates I had purchased last year from Williams Sonoma after Easter sale. I love them. Each bunny on the plate is posing differently. The small bunny with cabbages are holding orange jelly beans to mimic carrots. Those are really candle holders but I liked the idea of having them at each place setting with candy. You don’t have to have a lot of “stuff “on your table to make it pretty.
The centerpiece for this table was a grapevine wreath with faux tulips surrounding three scrapbook paper covered canisters with flame-less candles. Notice I used the same place-mats and the white dinner plate for this tabletop. So fun!!!!
Whether you are hosting a spring luncheon or dinner, this is a fun and festive tablescape using Gerber Daisies. Create your own centerpiece with a pretty container, some potted blooming Gerber Daisies, small violas and maybe even a third trailing plant for a stunning table. You will love making it and your family will enjoy looking at what you put together, even your food served at this perky table will taste better.