Need a simple DIY Flower Arrangement grab a round flat basket and fill with potted blooming flowers! Add a bit of moss to cover the flower pots so they look like they have been planted in the basket, insert a few twigs for height and display as you like. Then step back and enjoy the blooming spring colors. Potted yellow tulips, purple hyacinths, yellow and purple primrose and a few fillers make a lovely flower basket. Regardless of what season it is, any time is a great time to create living floral arrangements.
In addition to having a beautiful living arrangement after the season is over, you can keep the bulbs for planting.
How to Make this DIY Flower Arrangement|Spring Basket
- To create a springtime centerpiece for your table, gather some of the season’s best blooming potted bulbs, primrose and ferns.
- Place 3- 5 potted blooms at different levels inside a plastic lined basket at various heights. No need to remove the plants from the pot. (I lined the basket with a trash bag so that water would not run through onto the table. You might want to place an extra round place-mat underneath your living arrangement just in case of an accidental water leak.)
- Place potted flowers in a pleasing manner, elevate some using upside down bowls or cubes. Varying the heights will add more interest to your living arrangement.
- Tuck in willow or small tree sticks into potted plants.
- Cover and tuck moss over the potted flowers and between spaces inside the basket.
What Makes a Good Looking Basket of Flowers
Regardless if you grow your own or purchase potted plants, a good mix of flowers would include two to three colors with different textures and heights. Leafy green ivy and low packed ground cover with reindeer moss will add to the fullness of the arrangement. For a bit of whimsy as I mentioned earlier, I added a small bird sitting on a faucet with dripping water crystal. An empty bird nest would also be a great touch to this spring arrangement too. If you can’t fid the faucet with dripping crystal, check this out and make something similar. Of course this wont fit in your garden basket but it is cuter than cute.
How to Care for this Fresh Flower Basket
Water this arrangement when needed. You can purchase a plant watering meter to help gauge when to water.
To use the gauge, insert into the middle of the plant and watch the small needle go from low to high. If the needle lands in the middle it means you water lever is normal. It will tell you what you need to do. I found mine at Lowe’s home and garden shop.
After the flowers are spent, you can plant the bulbs in your garden for next spring.
DIY Flower Arrangement|Spring Basket about Tulips
You can plant Gladiolas and Dahlias this spring for flowering this summer. In September as fall arrives plant tulip and daffodils for next spring. Spring bulbs should be planted in the fall or early winter because they require a long period of cool temperatures in order for them to flower. In the fall, it is important to get the bulbs in the ground before the ground freezes. They need time to develop strong roots. You could also plant bulbs in individual containers as the merchants do forcing the bulbs to grow.
Finished DIY Flower Arrangement|Spring Basket
Some Fun Moments with JJ my little helper!.. Mischief maker
My sweet bunny JJ was excited about spring too! He is an adorable New Zealand white bunny with red eyes. JJ allowed me to take a few photos of him checking out the floral arrangement while I was putting it together. He looked out the window, chewed a few willow branches, smelled the flowers by standing on his hind feet, and finally laid down beside the finished arrangement. Enjoy these photos. He’s a cutie.
JJ helping with the willow branches.. He thought this one was too long.
JJ posing with centerpiece. He’s such a great friend.
Sorry this photo is a bit blurry as I was quickly taking the photo of JJ standing on his hind legs. That rarely happens. I was so excited he did this. He is looking out the window.
JJ wanted to know if I was done yet? He’s lounging now… ready for me to be finished with photo shoot. LoL. Little JJ moved to heaven in 2016, we had him for 6 years. We miss him so much. But his sister Baby Girl, who is 7 looks just like JJ. Beautiful babies.
This was first seen in VIP SEEN Magazine featuring JJ too. JJ was my photogenic bunny. Baby girl is camera shy. See photo below of Baby Girl. she enjoyed this tulip. Good thing it came from my yard with no pesticides. She had that tulip off the centerpiece in a second.
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Other Ideas you might like to try: click on photos

Fun and easy centerpiece to make to help usher in Spring. Just purchase a few potted blooming bulbs, a basket, moss and variety. Let me know what you make for your dining table.